Tuesday 13 November 2012

Well not much of a blog to add just thought I would update it being as I've got a spare minute.

Been really busy today at work and feeling really tired after biking here and loading 326 old tyres on a lorry and doing 30 odd tyres between us! Not looking forward to biking home tonight but once I get on it its ok and you just can't help but try to get home even quicker than the last time!

I've just been online doing some banking and I've set up a saving planner using Lloyds tsb tool. And have just realised how close Christmas is! I've got some serious saving to do!

Anyway on Sunday sally and I are going into town on our own! Whilst her mum looks after them (for a change!) I'm not to bothered to be honest weather there bothered with or not so long as I've got my family unit and enjoy my family and if others don't want to do there family duties then fine. You can't change people.

I suppose my blog is starting to look bitter but it's just how things are at the moment. I'm sure it'll come out in the wash!

I've got a tyre presentation to go to tomorrow which should be ok and there's a chance to win a ipad! And there will only be 40 people there so there's a good chance!

I'm going to see Jane hurt after work for a catch up after her trip to Jamaica. Bless her.

Anyway logging out for now I'm sure there will be plenty more to blog about in the coming days!

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