Saturday 17 November 2012

End of eye opening week (Monday)

Well it's Saturday and its been an eye opener since the presentation me and Richard went to on Wednesday night.
It was about a tyre brand called gt radial and no I didn't win the ipad :-(

On the upside we did learn about sales and how customers are treated when going into a garage. Quite funny actually but at the same time a little embarrassing as how we treat customers without thinking.
It was the kind of meeting that Steve hurt would be the speaker of.

Its now Monday and now I've not been writing this since Saturday I just got busy when I started!
Had a nice day Xmas shopping on Sunday with Sally and had a Xmas dinner at the Roebuck Inn which was nice. We don't get much time alone these days so it was nice to have a full day together well 10 till about 6.
We even had time to pop into the new h20 bar in Hucknall as sally hasn't seen it yet. It was my second time.

We got most of the Xmas presents done and we had to get Hollie and Ethans presents from other people too.
We brought a nexus 7 32gb for Ethans main present which hopefully will sound very outdated in a few blogs time when I look back lol.

My 1600 lumens head touch came this morning all the way from Hong Kong via eBay and I now need to get some special batteries for it would you believe! 18650! There like AA but taller!

Felt the baby kick me in the back this morning while we were in bed he/she's got a right strong kick! No wonder sallys always going for a wee!

Not got any plans for this week up to yet got quite a few bills to pay so it might be a quiet weekend this week then it's not long till rent day grrrrr

Oh well its only money. Pah.

Still the usual family problems I don't think things will ever change :-(

That is all!

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