Monday 26 November 2012

Monday blues

Well feeling a bit shit today to be fair! Saturday was Steven hurts birthday so at about 3pm I went to hq and dusty suggested us having a shot in memory of Steve hurt. Turns out this didn't mean he was buying them!

So I made the first move and brought ten shots of Cola cube vodka! Beautiful! Then oz got a round then Bailey then foz then oz then Craig then Bailey! So by now we're all in a cracking mood!

I got home at about 8pm feeling a little drunk but ok. I got quite upset and tearful with Sally who's shoulder was there to cry on!
Had a text or two with Jane and Chris.

Had a stinking curry and fell asleep on the sofa till 1am!

Sunday woke up well early about 6am feeling pretty good considering!
Went to Mansfield to pick up a sim card as mine was faulty then went to tesco and Chesterfield for a change!

Not sure what triggered it off but this morning I felt really down and miserable on the way to and from the school run. And then when I got home Hollie was up! And she really cheered me up! She is such a character! We're really going to have our hands full if the baby turns out the same!
Being as this baby will be our last we're not going to find out what it is!

It's exciting not knowing what it's going to be. Sallys panicking about what colour clothes to get etc but it's not the end of the world.
I looked in the mirror and said to Sally "I'm looking old" and the response I got kind of surprised me she said "its cos your stressed". Not surprised that she thinks I am just that she told me straight!

Well I suppose I am but it's hard not to stress about things and really the only stress I've got is not seeing my Boyz. Nothing else bothers me but as it's approaching Xmas it really gets me down. I'm not bothered about what people say about me on Facebook as they don't know me and can't know her if there believing all the self proclaimed shit that she writes!

Time will tell and from what I've seen with Sally getting a relationship back with her dad well it shows there are happy endings. Even when other people are trying to deter you from doing it.

Can't think of anything else right now.
So until next time

Saturday 17 November 2012

End of eye opening week (Monday)

Well it's Saturday and its been an eye opener since the presentation me and Richard went to on Wednesday night.
It was about a tyre brand called gt radial and no I didn't win the ipad :-(

On the upside we did learn about sales and how customers are treated when going into a garage. Quite funny actually but at the same time a little embarrassing as how we treat customers without thinking.
It was the kind of meeting that Steve hurt would be the speaker of.

Its now Monday and now I've not been writing this since Saturday I just got busy when I started!
Had a nice day Xmas shopping on Sunday with Sally and had a Xmas dinner at the Roebuck Inn which was nice. We don't get much time alone these days so it was nice to have a full day together well 10 till about 6.
We even had time to pop into the new h20 bar in Hucknall as sally hasn't seen it yet. It was my second time.

We got most of the Xmas presents done and we had to get Hollie and Ethans presents from other people too.
We brought a nexus 7 32gb for Ethans main present which hopefully will sound very outdated in a few blogs time when I look back lol.

My 1600 lumens head touch came this morning all the way from Hong Kong via eBay and I now need to get some special batteries for it would you believe! 18650! There like AA but taller!

Felt the baby kick me in the back this morning while we were in bed he/she's got a right strong kick! No wonder sallys always going for a wee!

Not got any plans for this week up to yet got quite a few bills to pay so it might be a quiet weekend this week then it's not long till rent day grrrrr

Oh well its only money. Pah.

Still the usual family problems I don't think things will ever change :-(

That is all!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Well not much of a blog to add just thought I would update it being as I've got a spare minute.

Been really busy today at work and feeling really tired after biking here and loading 326 old tyres on a lorry and doing 30 odd tyres between us! Not looking forward to biking home tonight but once I get on it its ok and you just can't help but try to get home even quicker than the last time!

I've just been online doing some banking and I've set up a saving planner using Lloyds tsb tool. And have just realised how close Christmas is! I've got some serious saving to do!

Anyway on Sunday sally and I are going into town on our own! Whilst her mum looks after them (for a change!) I'm not to bothered to be honest weather there bothered with or not so long as I've got my family unit and enjoy my family and if others don't want to do there family duties then fine. You can't change people.

I suppose my blog is starting to look bitter but it's just how things are at the moment. I'm sure it'll come out in the wash!

I've got a tyre presentation to go to tomorrow which should be ok and there's a chance to win a ipad! And there will only be 40 people there so there's a good chance!

I'm going to see Jane hurt after work for a catch up after her trip to Jamaica. Bless her.

Anyway logging out for now I'm sure there will be plenty more to blog about in the coming days!

Sunday 11 November 2012

The first

Well firstly the reason for starting this blog is thanks to one of my friends that I thought a lot of who sadly passed away on 28/08/12 Steve. He had created a few blogs on the net and now hes not around anymore its nice that he has left footprints along the internet and I think that when my time is up then people might search to find out who Clayton Inman was!
Stevens passing has shook me and I think I can say others up! In the sense  that you never know when your number is up!
People including myself take life and people for granted and its a shame that it takes someone dying to make you realise it. When my grandma died last year of course  it was upsetting as it was my family but it was easier as she was old (she was 91) and she had lived a long healthy life. We can't live forever but we can live for today.
Stevens passing though is different as it was sudden and unexpected especially at a young age (34) we had so many good nights out with a great crowd of friends to boot! Nights out just arnt the same anymore. its such a shame. Its not just the nights out its the loss of the most level headed wisest man I've ever known,  a friend I'll never forget.
Anyway moving on this isn't a blog to be depressing I'm just setting the scene of how important I think my blogging might be for my loved ones and friends when I'm not around anymore.
Today we've been to mothercare to get Hollie some winter boots there lovely
She's growing so fast and another one on the way!
I haven't seen Callum and Corey for just over a year and a half now which is very hard but I'm just holding out that one day they will realise and they will come back to me its not there fault there being influenced by well you know who by. Its annoying how me and sally are constantly being slagged off by her and all her followers but hey if they want to listen to her and believe what she says then fine! They don't know me and there not in my life. I just really hope my boyz will see it. The downside is me missing out on watching them grow up and its time that I can't get back but its not down to me. I'll never give up hope and will love them always.
Still heard nothing from my mum since I told her she wasn't doing enough for her grand children coming once a month with a bag of sweets and sometimes some money doesn't constitute to being a grandma is that the right word?
I'm not bothered about me just the kids. She's never been a good mother to me nor my 2 other brothers but hay ho you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink!
I've put my point across and the balls in her court.
I'm fair but there's right and there's wrong no matter who you are family of friend if you can't put your hands up then fine but I tried to show you! Right!
Through reading Steve's blog and ians I think that its a good way to see what kind of person you are or was. I'm sure some people are very self proclaimed in things they right and people are all talk but actions speak louder than words although from what I've learnt you need to say things how they are or how you feel be it good or bad otherwise people will either assume things or twist things or think your.... well there is many answers to the end of that.
Maybe the next blog will be a bit more blogish than setting the scene!
I'm going to try to keep this updated as much as I can as I think it's Important
Chow for now