Monday 23 December 2013

Christmas Eve eve!

Well it's just 2 more sleeps to go and we are just about set for Christmas all the pressies are wrapped (except sallys I've got to do that) we've got all the meat and veg and little treats. We're having lamb for dinner got a lovely lean leg. The kids are getting excited and I can't wait for Ethan to see what we've got him!

I had a trip into town on Saturday to get sallys Christmas presents on my own which was weird not having kids to keep an eye on! Town was rammed! I got the tram from work and then got off after and drove home which was quite stress free.

The week before last was Jolly Boyz Christmas Edition 2013 and we placed a photo of Steve hurt on the wall of dead legends in formans bar which was nice of the landlord as it's only for famous people.

The day was going so well until Steve Bailey and Paul Parkin thought it was a good idea to put a santa hat on top of the Brian Clough statue which resulted in Bailey falling off from having a leg up from Paul and broke his wrist and sprained the other one!
3 hours in a & E and then back out in the pub! Lol

I was out for the full day and felt surprisingly well for a 14hr session! Or should it be worryingly well? Lol

Earlier that week was Hollies first Christmas play which was great! Me and Sal were in the top balcony (vip roped off section of course!) and the view was great and Hollie kept waving at us during the show. She's a diamond x

Nolan has finished his second dose of antibiotics and fingers crossed I think he's almost fully recovered from his ear infection bless him.

Well I'll sign off with a few pictures from the last week or so


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