Tuesday 13 May 2014

New arrival!

Well yet again it's been too long since my last post so here it is news of a new member to the Inman foundation ! Its a ......Dog! Yep a dog I never thought I would see the day! I always wanted o e when I was a kid but wasn't allowed but now we've got one! We travelled all the way up north Yorkshire to get her from a breeder in Whitby. She's not the colour that we wanted but I picked her the same as I would a car! Sounds odd but hear me out. When buying a car it needs to have good service history, the same as a dog it needs to have come from a good background of blood line's. A car needs to look in good condition as does a dog it needs to look healthy. And last but not least colour yea it's nice to pick a car in the colour you like but if you find one with better history and condition ect then it's a small sacrifice to make to get a good one.

And we have, she was toilet trained within a couple of weeks and weaned onto the food we want her to have. Shes a lovely fussy dog but she has been a bit nippy which I'm hoping is just down to teething and being young but she has seemed to calm down a lot since her baby teeth have dropped out.

We have brought her on the understanding that she is a working cocker spaniel but due to her colour liver and white everyone says she's a Springer but I have papers for her and like I said we brought her from a reputable breeder.

She loves going out exploring and getting mucky! It's good for us all as a family to go out with her out in the fresh air. She's still young so she gets tired after about an hour but soon enough she will out walk us! Apparently you just can't tire them out!

Kids are doing fine well 3 out of the 5 and growing so fast Nolan is walking and Hollies is so clever for her age. Ethan is still doing great at school and now he goes to cricket practice every week and he loves it.

I'm not going to say I won't leave it as long for the next post as I can't seem to keep that promise!
So whenever!


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