Friday 6 December 2013

Nearly time for the big fat fella

Well Christmas is not far away only a few weeks we've got most of the presents still got a few more to get. It was Hollies 3rd birthday last week but unfortunately she's been really ill and Nolan has too. They've had a really bad cough for the last 3 weeks so we've had sleepless nights. So her birthday was a quiet one as she was so ill. I can't believe how quick she has grown up and what a lovely polite little girl she is. Don't get me wrong she can be a right little madam and when she's nice she's really nice but when she's bad she's a devil lol. Her talking is great and she has got so much confidence bless her I love her to bits. She's really into princess toys and clothes and pink things she's so girly!

Nolan is still being a lazy bones and not crawling but I'm sure when he does there will be no stopping him!
Ethan is still top of his class and doing fine and he's really into writing story's at the minute which is mostly about underpants and bogeys and all other funny boys things! He's asked for books for Christmas which is great for a lad his age and of course some games etc.

About 4 weeks ago me and Steven my nephew and my mate Ian went to the ice arena to see Micky Flanagan the comedian thanks to Irish John in his hospitality box with a fridge full of beer which was a great night! After the show we went round Nottingham for a few more just to finish us off! We went to cucamara which is a cocktail type of bar up hurts yard. Upon entering the bar we were greeted by a black barman with the biggest hands you've seen in your life! So we glanced through the menu and Ian asked the John coffee looking barman "have you got your own special drink?" The barman just smerked turned his back and began pouring  a lethal concoction of jack Daniels amureto cherry sours and coke and my god it was like rocket fuel but of course I had 3.
Then a kebab and a cab home followed by work the next morning which was fun!

Had a strange Steven hurt moment again! I went to the beer festival at the castle in November (thought I had blogged about it but I've just checked and I haven't) wow what a day that was lots of random ciders and Perry's and some nice food! And a scrap with some toffs but that's another story. Anyway me and Paul parkin were the last men standing and we went round notts and then round hucknall after and we went into h20 bar and there was a live band on and they played the song "littlest hobo" the song that was played at his funeral which really spun me out and brought a tear to my eye. I mean what's the chances of that song being played? I'm sure he's playing games with me.
And last week we went out for his birthday and again in h20 a killers song came on Mr bright side which was one of his favourite songs and one which most people relate to that as being his song. Weird but nice.

Well I think that's enough to read about for the time being on the day after the night Nelson Mandela died!


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