Wednesday 30 January 2013

New year

Well I've left it far to long to blog again! Time is just flying by! And there is only 2 weeks to go until the next Inman will be here to join the foundation!

I can't really think that much has happened in the last 3 weeks or so since I last blogged.
I emailed Callum my eldest son to see if he wanted to meet up but no reply :-\ I know he's been turned against me but ill never give up hope on them both I think about them every day.

Hollie is going through a stage of bring funny about eating and waking up in the night for a bottle but I think she's been a little off with her stomach.

We had a week of snow which was fun we went out and made a snowman! Ethan took great pleasure in throwing snowballs at me and Hollie soon joined in on the fun!

Ha my bike stolen just after the new year which was pants! Especially when I'd just brought eighty quids worth of winter tyres!

So I've had to buy another one which I really could of done without the expense of doing!
I looked online and from what the reviews say the decathlon rock rider 8.1 was the best bargain to get. It cost £500 but it's worth £700 with the parts on it apparently!

It's nice but I'm pissed off that my dawes has gone!

I went out in the snow on the bike with Tony rich and Steve to Newstead abbey which was fun! Never been out on a bike in the snow so it was quite an experience!

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