Tuesday 23 December 2014

Twas the week before Christmas

Well you just don't realise how fast time fly. Another year has nearly passed today is Friday and Christmas is next Thursday.
Last Sunday which was the day after jolly boys might I add! I woke up with the worst hangover I've ever had! And I decided to take Hollie and Nolan into town to get a few presents I had to collect which turned out to be the best cure for my hangover!
We all got wrapped up and got the tram as far a Wilkinson street tram stop. The reason being u had left my car there on Saturday to go on the jolly boys. Then we drove into town and parked in vic centre carpark.
OK so this bloody blogger app has crashed on me twice now and I've lost lots of text grrrrrrrrr

Friday 12 December 2014

Memories not to forget

Well I dread to think how long it's been since my last blog but today I've had an idea that will hopefully help me in my old age or if I have a bump on the head!

Every now and then a memory pops up out of nowhere! And wouldn't it be sad if those nice memories of usually loved ones that have passed get more distant and grainy to the point of lucky if you remember them at all!

Which is why I'm creating this post so I can keep adding little snippits is that spelt right? Snip it's? Anyway I'm going to try and remember that when one of them pops up to edit this post and add it.

I'm sure it will be nice when I'm old to look back and go "oh yeah I'd forgotten about that". So that's what this is I just hope I remember that I've done it! Lol.

Today's snipit is of when I was about 12 and I spent a couple of weeks with my grandparents in hinckley Gaston and Joan. The reason it came back to me was because my dad was explaining to me the different types of rock and roll and the types of dancing they do to the types of music and he showed me a clip on you tube of people dancing called strolling.

Which brought up this snipit of me with my grandma and grandad at the sweet pea club where they used to go ballroom dancing and I would sit and watch them with my lemonade and packet of mini cheddars. And after a while my grandad would have to stop as he had a bad heart so grandma would have to go and dance with another man!


Yesterday's snipit was a little different slightly weird but in a nice way.

I was driving home from work and for some reason Steve hurt popped into my head and I just felt that I needed to phone his mum Jane! It was like I was phoning on behalf of him if that makes sense. Weird I know but that's how it was.
I called but Jane was driving so she text me with a preset text then we spoke later that night. I didn't mention at the time as it felt a little weird to say over the phone.
But today I text her and explained in a nice way so not to upset her what had happened.  Which them brought me onto my snipit that Steve used to call me on his way home from work or if he had just landed back in the UK.

God I miss his calls we used to have a right good laugh together memories that hopefully I'll never forget (unless I have a bump on the head ) and as I'm writing this I hear his voice saying that last sentence at the same time as me just like he used to almost like finishing the sentence off together.

It's funny how writing things that your thinking makes you feel emotional but better at the same time like right now I'm recapping on the times we had together and the laughs and jokes.

Another snipit that always makes me laugh was when Steve was in hq talking to me about a psychic reading he had and we was talking about ghosts and things and he said if he dies first he'll come back and tell me and made a ghostly hoo hoooo noise.  Anyway after he had passed away and Ian and me went round to see Jane we were stood in her kitchen and the wind blew the blinds in Jane kitchen and clattered and Ian shit himself and I smiled to myself and thought yep that was Steve!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

New arrival!

Well yet again it's been too long since my last post so here it is news of a new member to the Inman foundation ! Its a ......Dog! Yep a dog I never thought I would see the day! I always wanted o e when I was a kid but wasn't allowed but now we've got one! We travelled all the way up north Yorkshire to get her from a breeder in Whitby. She's not the colour that we wanted but I picked her the same as I would a car! Sounds odd but hear me out. When buying a car it needs to have good service history, the same as a dog it needs to have come from a good background of blood line's. A car needs to look in good condition as does a dog it needs to look healthy. And last but not least colour yea it's nice to pick a car in the colour you like but if you find one with better history and condition ect then it's a small sacrifice to make to get a good one.

And we have, she was toilet trained within a couple of weeks and weaned onto the food we want her to have. Shes a lovely fussy dog but she has been a bit nippy which I'm hoping is just down to teething and being young but she has seemed to calm down a lot since her baby teeth have dropped out.

We have brought her on the understanding that she is a working cocker spaniel but due to her colour liver and white everyone says she's a Springer but I have papers for her and like I said we brought her from a reputable breeder.

She loves going out exploring and getting mucky! It's good for us all as a family to go out with her out in the fresh air. She's still young so she gets tired after about an hour but soon enough she will out walk us! Apparently you just can't tire them out!

Kids are doing fine well 3 out of the 5 and growing so fast Nolan is walking and Hollies is so clever for her age. Ethan is still doing great at school and now he goes to cricket practice every week and he loves it.

I'm not going to say I won't leave it as long for the next post as I can't seem to keep that promise!
So whenever!
