Friday 6 September 2013

Long overdue blog!

Well the last time I blogged was about a week before my wife had our baby which turned out to be a boy!

He finally popped out on the 12th of February. We were shocked when he turned out to be a boy! We both thought he was a she!

Anyway Nolan is nearly 7 months old and is doing great. Hes so handsome ( like his dad of cause) hes so calm and chilled out its unreal!.

The 27th of august was steven hurts anniversary being the first year without him since he passed. It brought it all back and made it very raw again. I organized a bronze plaque to be made and has been placed in the chequers in his memory.
Its nice as the Brian clough statue is bronze so it just seemed right as cloughie is god! Whats good for him is good for steven hurt.

Summer has been quite a hot one for British weather but today has turned really cold from 24 yesterday to 14 today its quite a drop!

In the holidays we had some nice days out picnics , white post farm, wheel gate, newstead abbey.  Etc.

Yesterday was Hollies first day at play group and she loved it! As soon as we walked in she was off saying "hello" to the other children! Shes so sociable bless her!

Ethan has now moved up to the juniors so im guessing we will see some attitude in the coming days lol.

I really should of blogged every month since the birth of Nolan but its just flown by! I suppose its ni excuse it only take ten minutes eh?

Well anyway ill leave with a few pictures of the past few months.


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