Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas eve

Well tis the night before Christmas! We've got the kids in bed Santa's plate has been left with some snacks and drinks and we have just got all the presents out ready for the morning!

Can't wait! I forgot to bring some tools home from work cos I knew dam well I would need some. But a DRILL! What the he'll! I've just built Hollies little tykes car and to my surprise its said under tools required as well as a possie drive a drill! Only to screw the screws into the plastic!

So a bit of hammering and And screwing later using a pair of scissors and pliers! It's sorted!

Looking forward to turkey for Christmas dinner as we normally have lamb or beef or both!
We had a little bufet for tea tonight which was nice.

Over and out till the festivities are done!

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Just under a week to go

Well it's been a couple of weeks since I last blogged been quite busy Dec 2nd was Hollies birthday which was a nice get together. And went swimmingly good!

I lost count of how many cups of tea and pork cobs I made!.

Where are we now.... Erm yea so today is Wednesday and last Saturday the 15th was jolly Boyz outing day we do it every year and I've done about 7 of them so far. So I had to work on Saturday as ians off so I didn't meet the Boyz till 3. So by now they've already had 6 pints so I had to play catch up so I did 6 pints of the black stuff in 60 mind! And got I the swing pretty quick after that!

I got home for just after ten pm.
The next day I was pretty ok felt a little tired but good considering what I drank! Did a spot of food shopping and made Sunday roast!

Oh I just remembered the Monday before jolly Boyz Sally thought that her waters had broke! So we went to get checked out and they said all was ok and that her cervix is tightly closed and it was just discharge.

I really must start writing things as they happen as it looks like my priorities are all wrong! But there not.

Monday I got my s3 lte version which I'm very pleased with and got a very good upgrade deal from customer retentions on a blessed 18 month contract.

All ready for Christmas just about we've just got the food shopping to do and I've got to pick my last bits up for Sally and I'm done!
Ethan is gonna love his nexus 7! We wrapped it up and I checked it out first (as you do) and I love it. If I didn't have a good phone like I have I'd get one for myself!.

Hollies got a little tykes car which we won't be able to get her out of!

I'm really looking forward to seeing there faces. Just a shame Callum and Corey arnt in my life at the moment. But it will all change soon.

Right ill try and not leave it as long next time!