Wednesday 30 October 2013

Quite recent since the last

Well not to long since my last blog! I was asked by my mate Ian a favour the other day one which quite frankly was out of the ordinary. Ian's father in law has a problem with drink. So obviously all of his family are worried about his health.
So I got a message from Ian asking me if I would go with him to see if we could talk some sense into him.

Now I've only met him one at Ian's wedding so it was a tough situation to be in as I was in his home telling him what to do with his life!
Who am I? Anyway it went really well as I seemed to have a calming affect on him. He seemed to talk to me in a different tone than how he spoke to Ian.

Anyway to cut a long story short we managed to get him to agree to have a assessment and if he passed then he would get a placement in priory (rehab)
Which is the best place to go and costs 3k a week!.

He promised that he would go.
It turned out the next day that he went to the assessment but then refused to go to rehab as 2 weeks was to long!
I really thought he wanted to stop drinking, I really thought that we had got on a level with him.

It was quite an experience talking to someone with problems and I felt like a councilor or social worker for a day. And looking back I quite enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong it was horrible seeing a grown man cry and being beheld to drink, but the feeling that I might of made a difference felt really good! Kind of doing a good deed for the day feeling?.

Family is doing fine Nolan is growing so fast and eating like its going out of fashion! Still no news from my other 2 boys, I emailed Callum a week a go but no reply :( I just told him that I love them both and think about them every day.

Well logging off for now and I'll add some photos when I sync them to my phone.

Oh yeah I took Hollie to the fair at Ilkeston the other week. Sally stayed at home with the other two as they had a bug. So I'll add some pics of that too!

Tot ta!