Saturday 2 February 2013


Well Sally was kept in overnight to be monitored but nothing happened so this morning she was allowed to come home which I'm glad about as it was strange Sally not being around. I can cope with running the house and the kids but the house just didn't feel the same!

She's in so much pain bless her and feels like her waters are going to burst due to the pressure with the baby pushing down!
Sallys grandparents have been great having the kids no problem! They really enjoyed it! Which is really nice.

No sure what kind of night were going to have. It's one thing getting up every hour for a wee but with the pain on top its probably going to be worse.

This baby's got a lot to answer for! Lol
Early night tonight! Need to try and get some sleep!

Chow fa now!

Friday 1 February 2013

In labour!

Well here we are its now half past 2 in the afternoon and we've been here since 10:45. Sally was 2cm dilated when they last checked and now she has been moved onto a ward (from the labour suite)

Now we're just waiting for the midwife to read her notes and make a plan!

It's took us by surprise to be honest as her section date is 11days away and that is booked earlier than her due date!

It's hot in here I'm tired as I did a 14 mile bike ride last night but I'm so excited! Can't wait to finally see the little one!

I will report back when something happens! (if I get a min)